Tasha and I got back to Westminster after two days of camping at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. It was my first camping experience and I had a great time! Sleeping on the ground was pretty good for my back, I got to climb around on the highest sand dunes in North America, and we had some really great people to camp with. Teddy had a good time too, he was very excited at all the new terrain to scope out.
As I write this, Tasha is preparing the pictures. Hopefully I’ll have some of my favorite ones posted up soon, including the three of us guys at the top of the 750 ft tall dunes!
On the way back from the park we took the scenic drive back home which took us briefly through Fairplay, CO which contains a recreation of historic 1800’s South Park City, CO. This was the inspiration for the South Park cartoon, so I had to at least get a picture of the sign!
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