Happy Fourth of July! Tasha and I are driving back to IL today. I offer the following entertaining story: we decided to drop Teddy off at our housesitter’s place so he could stay there, and they were showing us around their new house. I had been there once before as they were moving in, so it was not yet fully appointed and now everything is in its place.
His kids wanted to show Tasha and I their bedrooms, which were upstairs. Teddy had already made the rounds in their back yard, getting to know every tree, bush, and rock that they owned. That didn’t stop him from pausing on their landing and proceeding to drop a deuce right there on their stairs. As we tried to shoo him out toward the back yard again he bent off a few additional nuggets. This whole ordeal was exceedingly embarassing, we apologized profusely as I cleaned up the mess.
My friend said “well, look at it on the bright side: at least it wasn’t runny!”
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