I had no blog topic for tonight, so I turned to the lowest form of generating ideas: a random generator. After a few button presses, it popped out with “Hiking near me” so that’s what I’ll talk about.
Colorado has a bunch of state-tax funded open spaces that adjoin neighborhoods. We’ve got a dog park near our house with a trail that goes back to a small lake, however several months ago it was closed due to all of the prairie dogs dying from bubonic plague. No, I’m not kidding. It has since been reopened, but we’ve not been back over there since. I’m not worried about anybody catching the plague (there were no cases of dogs or people having the disease transferred to them), but there’s just something about tempting fate. I’m sure its safe, so we might go back soon.
Aside from that, there are hiking trails all over between here and Boulder. We went up the Bald Mountain trail several months ago and that was fun! I don’t know if we’re going to get out camping/hiking again before the weather turns, but we’ll see. We have a tent now, but none of the other essential gear for camping on our own so we tend to stick with small groups so we can share camping equipment.
Not too bad for a random blog topic!
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