I got pulled into a long day of interviews at work today, thankfully they let out early.
Tasha and I then proceeded to go and review our insurance policies. The girl that was going through them with us was nice, her only misstep was attempting to sell me whole or universal life insurance. Perhaps one of the worst products ever. Simply investing the same amount of money will yield you far more in exactly the same amount of time, I could go into the math but its really better if I don’t.
On the plus side, we were able to reduce our car insurance by around 5% with no appreciable difference. We also inquired about some personal item insurance for our collectables (Tasha’s baskets and my replica movie props) and found out that it doesn’t cost much at all but it is based on replacement cost, so we’ll have to figure that out before going ahead with that. The good part about that type of policy is that it covers klutziness… if I were to drop and break something I could make a claim and get the replacement cost back. When you’re as big of a bonehead as me, that’s a good plan.
In other news, this officially makes me old. Time to get a beer to toast my good health and old age!
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