What a wonderfully crappy blog topic for tonight… it seems that I have the writer’s block. I’ve sat here, cursor blinking inertly in the post box for twenty minutes now without even the glimmer of an idea to write about. This isn’t just limited to my blog, I have writer’s block regarding my D&D campaign too. In that case, I know where the plot is going and I just have to get down to specifics on what it is that our group is going to do.
I went over to my buddy Rick’s house tonight and helped him move a big couch (the kind with built-in recliners) and a loveseat… he’s got a replacement arriving tomorrow. After we got done doing that, he showed us his big project… he’s finishing his basement himself. He has already finished the first half of the basement and he’s working on framing in and insulating the back half. He did it all… framing, insulation, wiring, electrical hookups, drywall, texturing… the works. When asked how he knew to do all this he said that he got some books and just went to it, after receiving an exceedingly high estimate for getting his basement finished. It was pretty impressive to see what he was able to do himself.
Well, it seems that the writers block abated just long enough to get a post together, maybe I should use this momentum to work on my D&D campaign.
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