Today Apple debuted their much anticipated iPad. I’ve been tracking the rumors for this thing for quite awhile and it was pretty neat to get to see it unveiled.
It’s basically a pumped up iPod touch with specialized, cool looking apps, a higher resolution display, and built-in Wifi and 3G if you’re willing to pay a little more. The best part is that the 3G is unlocked, so you can use it without having to a AT&T contract. Also, the price is much lower than I anticipated… between $499 and $829 depending on the storage size and 3G option.
Here’s what I don’t like… aside from the iBookstore, which will provide books to the device there’s not much that feels “killer” about this thing. Having a front facing camera for teleconferencing would’ve been really cool.
Am I going to get one?
I think I might do what I did for my iPod touch and wait for the second generation of these before I consider buying. We’ll see once I try one of these out in person at the Apple Store.
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