I think tonight’s workout was harder than any morning workout so far this week. We started out with a really painful combination: rear leg front kick at the same time front arm jab, stepping back with a reverse punch, then jab and reverse punch. We did this combination 30 times on each leg with no breaks. After this, we moved on to some basic combinations around that same theme, specifically making hte final jab and reverse punch sliding forward across the floor.
Then it was kata time. We started out with Tekki Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan. Then Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Dai, and Empi. Then we moved on to the rest of the katas by the count. And by rest of the katas, I mean all the ones we could come up with: Hangetsu, Jitte, Gankaku, Kanku Sho, Bassai Sho, Chinte, Sochin, Unsu, Meikyo, Gojushiho Sho, Gojushiho Dai, Ji’in, and Wankan. It had been years since I have done several (most) of these kata, but I wasn’t alone in that. We muddled through and it was good fun. During these katas we took turns picking a kata and counting it out, I had the honors on Hangetsu, Nijushiho, and Unsu.
We finished off the night with the Heian katas, between each kata we did some strengthening of our choice. I did some pushups, crunches, and planks. So in all, we did every kata Shotokan has to offer. Now I am tired.
One more practice to go and Kangeiko is complete!
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