So a few weeks ago, amidst the cleaning frenzy of the Man Cave project, my Dyson vacuum started acting up. I noticed that the hose assembly had lost suction but the regular vacuum was working just fine. While I was trying to diagnose the problem, the vacuum up and quit working altogether.
I quickly admitted defeat and called the Dyson Support Page and got the number to call. A very nice lady picked up a few rings later, answered some questions, and told me that my vacuum was under warranty and they’d be happy to send out a replacement cyclone unit and filter free of charge. It arrived two days ago and I just got around to installing it, but unfortunately it didn’t solve my problem. I noticed that the hose was collapsing when the vacuum was on, so I found an online video explaining how to remove the hose assemby and check for blockages. After about five minutes I confirmed that the hose was totally clogged and some shaking and stomping the thing on the ground yeilded a wad of rabbit hair, poop, a few small pieces of plastic, and some tags off of old laundry. But the hose was clear!
I re-attached the hose assembly and fired the thing up and I FIXED IT! Woot!
I do want to recognize Dyson for having an excellent customer service line and a good warranty (which came with the vacuum, this wasn’t even an extended warranty!) Even though they didn’t quite get down to the root cause of the problem, it was nice to have them be so quick to ship out replacement parts. I’m sure had I called them again they would’ve gotten to the bottom of it.
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