Today was Tasha’s bell concert, so I accompanied her to take pictures. She did a great job and I got some good photos. A friend of ours is in the bell choir with Tasha and they are getting new wood floors put down in their house so we offered to cook out so they didn’t have to try to make food in all that chaos. We also invited another couple of friends, so it quickly grew to a happy crew of around 10 people.
After everyone left, I opted for an abbreviated nap. I know I’m not supposed to do that, but the combination of grilled food and the impending visit to my friends house tonight to show off my guitar required something to give. I’m getting ready to head over to his house now to rock out! Sometime soon I will get the time to actually write up my thoughts (along with photos) of my new axe, but until then you have to hear me talk about it some more.
More soon!
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