On Friday night, we noticed that our rabbit, The Cheat, was acting funny. Usually he is quite animated when it is time for me to feed him, and on Friday night he was just sitting still in his cage. I put his food in the bowl and he didn’t even move. I went to pick him up and noticed that he was feeling even skinnier than normal and didn’t fight me at all like he usually does when I try to pick him up.
I put him on the floor to see what he’d do and he took one hop and flopped over awkwardly. It seemed as if he didn’t want to use his back legs at all and when he tried they were slow or uncontrolled somehow. This worried me greatly, so I put him back in his cage near his food and he ate a few seeds while I was down there. Concerned about his weight, we decided to give him a fresh fruit treat in the form of a cubed apple.
I was encouraged that he had eaten all of the apple by the morning. He was still acting listless this afternoon, so I checked on him again after I got back from a stint at the office tonight and he appears to have pooped a racquetball sized doody. I cleaned him up and put him on the ground again and he had three unassisted hops without flopping over. I think his equilibrium was thrown off by an excess of poop.
He’s still going to go to the vet tomorrow because I’m still concerned about all this, but I don’t think the threat of immediate rabbit death is present any more. We’ll go with that until I’m proven wrong. 🙂
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