Sensei Tarrant was down in Denver training the kata team, so the Arvada dojo was left to our own devices. Class was run tonight by Kevin, and we did some interesting drills. There were five of us, so we started with a simple combination and went down the line each adding 2-3 techniques. Each person counted three times through the combination and then we did five repetitions with no count. By the time we got down to me, the combination was 14 techniques long and it each repetition felt like a miniature workout all by itself.
After that, we did one time attack focusing on moving into the attack when blocking. The odd man out (since there were five of us) went through their individual kata (mine was Sochin), their second individual kata (Nijushiho, for no reason), and a Tekki kata while the rest of the group went through the one-time attack techniques. We rounded out the class by working on body shifting and catching a front kick by hooking the kicking leg.
There was a lot of variety to tonight’s workout and it provided good stress relief. I was happy that I went. More soon!
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