Today was a blur of goodbyes and travel, Tasha and I arrived safe and sound in Colorado around 9:15 pm. We got to Lambert airport in Saint Louis with plenty of time to spare thanks to my parents, so we ate a light dinner at Chili’s, and then sat around by our gate watching election returns. The flight was uneventful and fast (only 1:15 mins!) and the shuttle ride to the parking lot was made much more tolerable by a very cute dog being on the bus. His name was Izzy, a four-year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
That was a nice segue to getting to see Teddy again, and boy was he happy to see us! Now he’s laying contently by the front door sleeping just like always.
There was a sad moment when I went downstairs to find The Cheat’s cage standing open. With his empty hayrack and bowl sitting there next to his ball, it looked just like he had gotten out of his cage and was hiding somewhere. There was no apparent sign of anything wrong in his cage, lending credence to my theory that it was something sudden like an aneurysm or stroke. I’m going to miss that little guy. It will be nice to have Java Joe back at the house tomorrow, it feels strange not having any rabbits to care for tonight.
I’m looking forward to work tomorrow, I am ready to get back to business. It’s lonely here compared to my parent’s house.
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