Today was a very productive day at the office. It was punctuated nicely with questions to help other team members along, breaking up at roughly two hour increments all day which granted me enough time to actually get something done for a change. Hopefully this trend will continue as the week draws to a close.
Tonight was my first of two sessions running a D&D game at our local game shop. The session went really well, and you can read all about it over at my roleplaying blog, I was pretty nervous going into the game since I haven’t really gamed with a new group since we moved out to Colorado, and this was the first time I’ve ever gamed in an actual gaming shop (I know, weird). I’m pleased to report that things went swimmingly and the group ended up in a prime location to set up next week’s game, which is going to take things entirely to a more grand level. It is fun doing short campaign cycles, it affords one the opportunity to affect the overall campaign in a meaningful way while having just enough time to do something interesting.
We’re starting to get snow here in Colorado, and I have had three coworkers warn me that I need to replace my tires. They are 100% correct, they have been semi-bald for awhile but I have just continued to put it off. Tasha’s going to call the tire place and get me some brand new all-weather tires just in time for the snowfall to begin. This weekend appears to be the first opportunity for real accumulating snow, so it will be interesting to watch it all unfold.
That’s all for me right now!
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