Yesterday, after Kangeiko I noticed that my car was sitting at 99,999 miles right as I pulled into my buddy Paul’s driveway to drop him off. A few blocks later, my car hit the 100,000 milestone (on Oak Street, if you must know). My Saturn has been very reliable to me since I bought it in 2003, and it’s fun to mark this milestone. I hope it lasts another 100,000 miles… heck, I’d be happy if it lasted another 50,000.
Speaking of being on the road, I’m about to head to the airport. I’m going to Peoria for two days for a workshop, and I’m supposed to be headed into arctic temperatures and a lot of snow. I’m supposed to be back to attend a birthing class on Wednesday, I sure hope I’m not going to get stranded in IL. Keep an eye out here for more news as it happens.
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