Despite my best efforts, I am still sick today. We opted to go to Church because I thought I was feeling better, however while we were out I noticed that I was still chilled. When I got home, I took my temperature and it was 102.3. So I took some Tylenol and soaked in a hot bath for a half hour, and then slept for four hours. We too my temperature again, and it was 101.7. Not going down to quickly.
At least the congestion is breaking up, just not quickly enough to suit me. I’m planning on staying home from work unless I have dramatic improvements tomorrow, I need to get over this quickly so I can get back to being a good birthing coach for Tasha. I don’t usually get sick, but when I do it’s usually pretty bad. I don’t remember the last time I ran a fever for this long, so it’s a little concerning. I’m going to call the doctor tomorrow if it doesn’t break.
More soon!
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