Today was a return to normalcy, I made it back to the office and was dropped right back into the fray. I got quite a bit done despite having my day punctuated with meetings, and then it was time to go to our hospital pre-admittance appointment and had an opportunity to meet a potential physician. We really liked the practice and the doctors, and they took the time to answer questions and meet us all. The doctor that we preferred wrote “On Being Child Wise” and while I haven’t read the book it has been recommended to me by several trusted people.
After sharing this information, I received some feedback that apparently this book has a polarizing effect… people either like the information and it worked for them, or the detest it citing baby weight problems, breastfeeding problems, and several other frightening issues. I didn’t get the feeling from these people that they supported anything that was against a child or in any way dangerous, so it became quickly apparent to me that I had entered into Angry Momma Bear Territory. We’re going to try this doctor and see what we think, but we’ll be willing to challenge his advice or change doctors if we don’t like what they recommend. I’m also going to get a copy of his book and read through it in order to make my own opinion.
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