Tasha and I completed the last class in our Baby University: First Aid. We still have a few DVD classes to make up from our Active Childbirth (Bradley) class, but the part of the exercise where we have to be at the hospital three nights out of the week is behind us! I am full of learning and ready for the baby to arrive, at what time I will realize that all of this learning was for naught and but at least we’ll have the information should we need it!
The weather here in Colorado is cooperating, and we have 60 degree weather most of the week. This makes it exceedingly difficult to head back into the office after going out for lunch, but still we soldier on. I had a fairly productive day despite this distraction, and I’m looking forward to a few more days of similar momentum before the weekend comes around again. What am I going to do with all the free time with these classes out of the way? Get the house ready for baby, get the carseat installed and the nursery appointed, and most of all RELAX (both Tasha and I). We also need to continue practicing our relaxation and visualization for labor, which we’ll be focusing on during the next few weeks in anticipation of baby’s arrival.
More soon!
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