Today we went to Church, grabbed lunch at Denny’s, and then the work began. Tasha was running out of energy by the time we got back. This was fortunate, because I had plenty of work to do. I’ve been putting off doing a bunch of cleaning tasks for quite awhile, so I started off with the downstairs bathroom. Many cleaning supplies bravely gave their lives today, but in the end victory was achieved. I then turned my sights to the upstairs. We hardly ever vacuum up there for various reasons: there’s lots of stuff on the floor, the dog spends a lot of time up there, and we’re lazy.
So my next chore was vacuuming every nook and cranny I could find, which took me the better part of two hours. Once that was complete and the bedroom was reappointed to it’s normal state, it was on to the upstairs bathroom. The upstairs bathroom has the double whammy of being frequently in use and easy to ignore, so it was a disaster. Even more cleaning supplies were expended and now the bathroom is MUCH better. I even removed the sink knobs in order to clean underneath them, which was terrifyingly gross. I”m pretty sure that wasn’t done since we’ve lived here.
After dinner, the task at hand was assembling some flat-pack cabinets that will sit on either side of the window seat and house bathroom gear for both us and baby. I just got them done, and after I sit for a few minutes I’m going to get them anchored to the wall and that will the last of my chores for the day. That’s all for now!
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