Today was another passable day at work, punctuated by a coffee break, lunch break, and trip home to check on Tasha and Eve. Despite this fact I did get some things done before heading home, only to have Rick and Kristine Lull stop by with some great potato soup for dinner. (Thanks guys!) I was sitting with Eve while Tasha took care of some things around the house, just to have her spit up all over the place. So after a bath for her and a change of clothes for me, it was off to Jam Night at Walton Manor.
I was pretty tired heading over there, so I only sat in for a quick song or two in the actual jam before retreating upstairs to talk to a few friends. Eventually the group ventured upstairs and we had a good time picking ridiculous names for Paul and Kara’s new baby. I decided to only stay for two hours or so, in order to provide adequate support for Tasha so I headed home just a few minutes ago. It was a nice chance to get out of the house and escape my fatherly duties for just a couple hours. Hopefully soon I will afford Tasha the similar chance to leave the baby with me while she goes out and spends some non-baby time on herself. More soon, bring on the weekend!
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