One of the most frustrating aspects of being a Dad is the relative powerlessness of it all. The baby spent part of the night curled up happily with me (which was great) but shortly thereafter began screaming all night long. I changed her, rocked her, fed her, walked her, sang to her, shhh’d her, swaddled her…. all to no avail. Most of this occurred after Tasha had headed to bed, eventually I had to relent and wake her up. After a short snuggle session with the baby, she’s now calm.
That’s the frustrating part… it seems there is nothing, short of being Tasha, that I can do to effectively soothe our baby. That makes me feel like I am bearing a disproportionate amount of the baby-rearing responsibilities, and it makes me feel bad. To cap it all off, I go downstairs to find that Joe had pooped all over himself so I had to take care of him as well!
Tasha has volunteered to take the monitor for the rest of the night so I can sleep. I sure hope this gets easier soon.
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