Tonight was another great workout. We began class with a large amount of basics, which took the format of slide in with reverse punch, slide back with a block, and then slide back in with another reverse punch. We did a variety of face-level blocks: rising block, pressing block, high inward block, and high outward block. After doing these drills on both sides, we did some stomach-level blocks next: downward block, inward block, the dropping block from Jion, and inward sweeping block.
Then it was time to practice these drills with partners. We rotated several times, and I even got some practice in with Sensei Tarrant. He’s ridiculously fast with good timing, but I’m happy to report that I got past his block a few times. The class wrapped up with kata, done side-by-side with a partner. First the partner on the right would pick the kata and the person on the left got to match their speed and timing, then it was the left hand person’s turn to pick the kata. We did this twice and then did Kanku Dai and Sochin to wrap up the class.
Right at the end of Sochin, the callous on my big toe started floating around with that unsettling blister feeling. It didn’t tear, but it’s pretty sore. Putting some tape on it, getting over it. More soon!
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