Without noticing, I’ve missed a few days of blogging (the shame!)… I guess life has been pretty busy lately. With PW out of the office, I have found myself staying at work longer to help keep things running along as smoothly as possible. Over the weekend we got a few nice days, so I spent a lot of time outside getting chores done and preparing for my mother-in-law to arrive tonight.
The weather is warming up here in Colorado, so I’m beginning some of my outdoor past-times like yard work and grilling. Soon I’ll be taking another stab at my Dad’s ukulele project since the replacement kit came in the mail last week. The baby is still doing very well, but she has been fussy in the evenings which is part of the reason I have been absent the last few days… she’ll start getting fussy and the only way to soothe her is to either walk with her or get Tasha up, who usually needs my help preparing the supplemental bottle and what-not.
That’s really about all that is going on right now. Lots of work, lots of baby care, and little play. Hopefully that will turn around this weekend, when I plan to put some serious time toward getting Dad’s ukulele project back on track. More soon!
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