Today I got a package in the mail: my bottle of Absinthe Ordinaire! Before enjoying a glass, Teddy and I went for a rousing walk around the neighborhood. Then it was time to help out with Eve and watch some Firefly. That’s all for now!
Where the answer is almost always 42.
Today I got a package in the mail: my bottle of Absinthe Ordinaire! Before enjoying a glass, Teddy and I went for a rousing walk around the neighborhood. Then it was time to help out with Eve and watch some Firefly. That’s all for now!
Tags: juneblopomo, nablopomo11
Today my Dungeons & Dragons blog, Stupid Ranger, got hacked with some SEO Malware that injected some PHP to make each of our page titles advertise for prescription drugs. I spent the evening restoring our WordPress installation, revising templates, and restoring our database. I ultimately had to reinstall everything and then point WordPress back at […]
Today I spent a little more time with the side bending iron in my work to get the wood bindings on Dad’s ukulele. I was pleased to find out that the binding that I had bent stayed pretty much in the same bent position as I left it, but I still re-soaked it so I […]
Today I got a lot of work done on Dad’s ukulele. Thanks to some lessons learned from the last kit, I was able to get the kerfing and binding channels routed without major incident. Thanks to the ultra-crappy build quality of the Grizzly ukulele kits, the thing was considerably destabilized again so I decided it […]
It was an interesting day at the office… when I arrived I quickly noticed my schedule was perforated with meetings, and what I really wanted to do was code. I took as much advantage of the short breaks between meetings to work with my pair to program and solve some problems. I got to have […]
Without noticing, I’ve missed a few days of blogging (the shame!)… I guess life has been pretty busy lately. With PW out of the office, I have found myself staying at work longer to help keep things running along as smoothly as possible. Over the weekend we got a few nice days, so I spent […]