I elected to spend the evening in last night due to my allergies being kicked up since I cleaned out my PC with canned air. We had a quick dinner, and as we were sitting down I got a reference phone call for my good college buddy, Mike.
Mike had called me earlier in the day to warn me that this might happen, so I was prepared. They told me to rate him on a scale of 1-10 (10 being good) on various traits that he needed to get this job. I gave him 9’s and 10’s, because if I gave him all tens I would look like a tard. They told me to list his strengths and weaknesses, which I did, but I pulled the normal interviewing trick of turning the negative you mention into a positive by elaborating on how Mike would overcome problem people in his college groups.
After dinner, Tasha passed out on the couch for awhile. I figured that the only way my allergies would go away is if I cleaned up the place, so I did. I cleaned up the bedroom, bathroom, did the dishes, de-pooped Java Joe’s cage, and took out the garbage. The only thing I didn’t do was de-poop Perl’s cage, because by the time I had tracked down and re-caged Joe, I was too tired to try to wrestle another rabbit into submission.
Tasha woke up from her nap and decided that she had to help her uncle order plane tickets so he could come back in for the holidays. She went off to do that and I watched some TV and then decided to play some KOTOR. Before we both knew what had happened it was 10:30 and we were both beat, so we decided to head to bed early.
I slept like the DEAD. I woke up this morning so warm and comfortable that it seemed like a shame to come into work, but I did anyway. I had some pretty wicked awesome dreams last night, which I will blog shortly.
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