I’m proud to say that I voted today, and I voted for one John Forbes Kerry. My reasons were less hard-lined than most people that get into arguments about politics, mostly I’ve seen what Bush has done so far and he’s done it with a cavalier banjo playing redneck attitude and I don’t think there’s much of a place for that at the head of our country.
I’m not saying I’ve completely disagreed with everything he’s done or that Kerry is going to be much better. I just think it’s time to let someone else have a crack at it and see if they can not spend a trillion dollars blowing up a sand dune for kicks. That, and I don’t think the international community will tolerate us for much longer with four more years of Bush.
I was thinking about the whole Iraq thing… I understand that our intellegence was bad when we decided to go in there. However, when it came out that our intellegence was bad, did we say “hey, our bad” and pull our guys out of there? Nope. Bush said something along the lines of “well, there were evil-doers in there anyway.” In that case, President Bush needs to visit my office and clean some house. Anyway… aside complete.
Unfortunately, Scott and Jen were doing an informal poll on their radio show and I was hearing a lot of folks say they voted for Bush. Usually in Illinois, we’re mostly driven by whatever the population of Chicago wants and usually that’s the Democrat.
Most of the other races were pretty easy to vote for… I picked Obama because Keys is batshit crazy, and I voted Yes for the School Referendums for District 108. Those guys need more money for things. And I’m not going to notice an extra 0.25% in taxes. Many of the other races were “Vote for One” with one person listed. I voted Conovor-san’s dad for another term as coroner because he seems to like doing that.
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