Yesterday my lovely wife and I solicited the help of my Mom and Dad to paint the living room. We had elected on a color called Fresh Biscuit, which basically equates to slightly browner tan. The walls in our old place have not been painted in a very long time, which has been evidenced by the fact that we’ve used nearly a gallon and a half of paint on one medium sized room.
This has been done in an effort to create a good environment for our new sofa and loveseat, which we’ve been told have arrived. The tables that go with this lot have not arrived yet, and I anticipate are being used by gremlins to overthrow the government. We should be able to have delivery sometime this week, providing we are able to get the second coat of paint appointed properly.
My Mom remarked that the resulting effect of the paint coupled with the dark wood trim that we have is coming off a lot more Tuscan looking (the Mediterranian region, not the Raiders). It’s looking very classy in there and I think the new sofa and loveseat will make a very cool finished result.
In a seperate but somewhat related series of events, my futon has breathed what appears to be its last breath. When attempting to move it in order to paint, the arm came off in my Mom’s hand and the whole side came apart from the back leg section. Yes, it could probably be repaired with some effort, but we really don’t have anywhere to put it after the new furniture arrives so we will likely just put it out for the garbage man. The thing has had a nearly six year run of moving back and forth to college which places it far beyond the lifespan of most normal futons, so I’m not too concerned about it.
This weekend I was also able to work in my basement for a little bit. It’s shaping up nicely down there, and that is all I’m going to say about it for now. 🙂
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