This week has been chaos, but organized chaos. I started my new position on Monday and as a result have been running between buildings all week. Luckily my new team is a big fan of longish lunches, so I haven’t gone completely crazy. It turns out they have placed me firmly in a group full of people with similar interests, nerd levels, and aspirations.
I don’t know if my wedding ring is “+5 AC of True Seeing”, but these people keep being shocked by my ability to suggest process improvements that just seem logical but noone ever thought of. They have this daily process they do by hand that is all very wrote and by the letters, but for some reason they have never automated. I’m taking it upon myself to finish a project that someone started a long time ago to automate this, and I’m going to look really good in the end. I don’t know why people suffer through things like this and never take the time to affect change. I guess in the end I’m just a different kind of lazy than these people… they would rather do it the old way and not have to learn anything new, I would rather make something run automatically so I can blog while I’m at work instead of do that task. 🙂 Anyway, things are starting to settle down somewhat, even though I don’t have a desk over in the new building yet. I’m hoping that happens tomorrow, but it’s not looking good. I do have badge access and parking over there, so that is one bonus.
A brief aside… on the way home tonight, I saw a bumper sticker that said “America Bless God.” I wanted to pull this person over and point out that God is inherently by His nature the most blessed thing in existence, therefore our country blessing him would do very little. It might even enrage Him. I understand this is a strained effort to comment on the priorities of our society, but c’mon… get more creative people, and at least don’t imply that God needs our blessing. Because I don’t think He does.
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