Not much to report today. Spent the first half of the day continuing to wait on Caterpillar to get me my assignment and final numbers for pay, they haven’t come through with it yet. I plan to call Thursday afternoon, in case they have snail mailed the documents and they are en route. If they’re not here Thursday, I’m calling. I want at least a week to read over the paperwork so I can be confident there’s not any “you have to kill X public dignitaries” clauses.
I have a seriously infected hangnail, which has caused my index finger to swell up to about 1.5 times the normal size. And it hurts like hell. I was able to get some nasty stuff out of it tonight, but it’s still in pretty bad shape. Seems like such a weenie thing to complain about, but when you type as much as me it boils down to near-constant pain.
Aside from that, I felt somewhat under the weather today. REALLY tired and headachy, I decided to take it easy tonight so this doesn’t escalate into full-scale Death in time for me to start at Cat next Thursday.
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