I came home from work last night and decided to try a recommended fix for the black screen problem that I had been experiencing.
Let’s just say, it really didn’t work. My system went from semi-operational to not displaying on my TV. To follow that up, when I got the system back onto the TV it decided that it didn’t want to load the backend system that does the recordings or the lirc daemon that runs the little IR port that my remote talks to. I was able to bolt those wheels back on with some effort, but it is starting to piss me off that these upgrades just can’t happen flawlessly.
I have drawn a line in the sand, if I can’t get this thing fixed and playing back properly by the end of the weekend, the following weekend will be spent wiping the system and trying again with the latest and greatest Fedora Core.
In short, I’m happy because I was able to fix the screw-up that made my system not act right, but I’m still pissed because I shouldn’t have had to in the first place. I’m grateful to be back at Square One with my problem, but I still want it to go away.
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