Last night was the indoctrination of Sensei Erbe into the black belt club… he was lucky enough to receive the intellectual beating that is being told to teach a class with no plan. He did very well, it ended up being basics and some sparring drills.
For the second class we did some basics, kata, and sparring.
I have to say the amount of relief that surrounds the workouts just following a successful black belt test is one of the best experiences in life. I talked for a bit with McCabe-san and Erbe-san, and they are both relieved that this whole experience is over.
I’ve found that my thoughts have turned to what is next and for me that is gaining some muscle so I can generate a little more power. After our anniversary trip next week I am going to start lifting weights with my Dad in addition to maintaining 3-4 nights a week of karate training.
Also, I’ve pretty much decided to hang up Empi for awhile. It’s been a great kata for me, but its time that I grow into something else. My thoughts have turned to Unsu since it’s long been a point of fascination for me. I remember being in awe of
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