This Saturday brought much goodness in the fact that Sensei Brewer decided to join us. We did some kata, basics, Sochin (several times, w00t!), and topped it all off with some sparring. Matt and I sparred a bit earlier in the day, each of us proceeded to do several 1d2 points of damage to each other during the course of the encounter.
Sometime throughout the course of the morning I lost 2/3 of the toenail on my left small toe. It didn’t hurt in the least until after the workout when I found out that I did it. It doesn’t hurt now, just a point of interest. Toes look weird when most of their nail is gone.
We ended up having a very long conversation after the workout ended about recent events. I wouldn’t mind it much if we continued to have yudansha meetings more frequently. They are always very productive and thought provoking, its interesting to get Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman’s opinion on teaching, what it means to have a black belt, and various other topics that come and go during the course of one of these meetings. I may blog more about this later, but for now I’m feeling very much at peace with the world around me.
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