My last two workouts have centered on kumite. Lately we’ve been focused on getting “off the line” faster in order to foster the selective speed that
The whole premise of this idea is that you don’t need 75 techniques, you need one. Maybe two. And you need to get thine self to your opponent fast enough to prevent them from having any chance to block or counter. I like the way that sparring this way feels, but it will take some time to get over the fear of taking one in the dome even though I was able to take one to the dome from
This makes even the least likely opponents pretty scary, as was witnessed on Saturday. Even the brown and purple belts that were there got this idea somewhat and were able to use it to a positive end.
I can’t say it enough how FUN this is for me. Sparring like this makes me feel alive, competent, and strong despite my size. Do I have a few more bumps and bruises from this? Yes. Do I care? Not in the least.
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