This weekend FLEW by. So fast, in fact, that I was laying in bed thinking about what work I had to do tomorrow and I remembered that I had to run a few billing reports for one of our process partners. So I’m up doing thiat.
My weekend got off to a rocking fast start with the aforementioned karate happening, followed by a snap decision to go get a Christmas tree cut. It was snowing and crappy outside, but we successfully felled a not-so-mighty pine tree to use as this years holiday decor. We got that unloaded and rearranged the living room to contain said arbor joy.
A few hours later it was off to my grandparents house to celebrate my Dad’s 56th birthday. We had tacos and cake and it was a really nice time. My brother-in-law and I had a nice little discussion on the Da Vinci Code… it is discussions like this that make me miss college for some strange reason.
Sunday started off with Church, followed by a quick lunch and our monthly grocery shopping. We came home with the intention of putting up the Christmas tree, but our goal got delayed as we decided it was time to weatherproof the house. I got the new weatherstripping put into the front door and we got that shrink-wrap plastic to fit over our drafty single-pane windows.
That was a pretty fun process… we got all of the downstairs windows done and all of the red room finished before our desire to work a hairdryer waned and we went in search of a bounty of pizza and Diet Coke. We watched some TV before finally getting the tree set up downstairs. After a few falling Christmas tree episodes from last year, I am a little gunshy about decorating our tree this year. Once again, I thought we got a tree with a thick enough trunk to be held securely by our tree stand, however the trunk circumference looked larger in the wild. I have my doubts as to whether we will get through this year without spilling ornaments all over again.
But, we got the tree up. It has lights on it, and after it proves it can fight the ravages of gravity for a few days we’ll get some of our geeky ornaments up there again. That brings us to a few hours ago… and the weekend was quickly gone. This week is a four-day week for me on account of Tasha’s wisdom teeth surgery, so maybe I’ll get something more done this coming weekend as she recovers.
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