As I was heading out from karate tonight, my Dad got a phone call. He motioned for me to come over and told me that I needed to go home now, because Teddy was having a seizure.
I sped home to find my wife crying and my Mom there looking scared. Teddy was disoriented and his eyes were dilated. Tasha said his legs got rigid and his back got all arched and he started shaking and thrashing around and breathing hard and lost control of his bladder.
We decided to rush him to Emergency Care in Peoria, and on the way he had another seizure. It was terrible. When it started I almost swerved off the road, thankfully Tasha was watching the road for me. The look on Teddy’s face reminded me of Tucker’s face right before he died. This scared me A LOT.
We got him to the vets office, they ran a blood test and tried to get him to pee for a urinalysis, but he was all out. The doctor said that they were going to give him valium to relax him and keep his muscles from going haywire. The doctor also gave us the “first seizure talk”.
It appears that seizures happen for two reasons: organ system malfunctions or unknown precipitant from earlier in life (like bumps on the head, or getting into something mildly poisonous). His blood screening came back and they did not see anything that would explain the seizure. The doctor stressed the importance of getting a urinalysis done within 24 hours, so we set that up with my usual vet.
As I said before, they gave the dog valium. The doctor warned us that it does one of two things: makes the dog act “drunk” or makes them “super hyper.” Teddy is a drunk. They had to carry him out on a stretcher and he looked like newborn fawn. I had to pick his 90.1 lb ass up out of my car to get him into the house, and he’s been running into tables and going after food. My dog is basically high and has the munchies.
So anyway, I will likely be working from home tomorrow (Wed), because the doctor said that until we get the test screenings back I will have to be around to administer syringes of valium to the dog (through his rectum, hooray) in the event that he have another episode.
This has not been a fun week.
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