I’ll finally get around to speaking on my music tastes…
1) Favorite Band of All Time: The Beatles. For most of the same reasons as Dave… their body of work, their constant evolution throughout their careers, the pure beauty of their music. Hands down, no question about it.
2) Favorite Band/Singer of Right Now: I have a real soft spot for Barenaked Ladies and Train… I have loved them for several years now and I always eagerly anticipate their new stuff. I have been on an emerging artist kick lately… mostly spurred by the genre of music made popular by Fox’s The O.C. Its hard to pick a favorite out of the group since most of them only appear in a track or two and I haven’t explored too many past that level of exposure. Maroon 5 is the exception to this rule.
3) My Favorite Album/CD of All Time: Toss up between two Beatles albums… Rubber Soul and Abbey Road. I believe these two albums represent the pinnacle of The Beatles’ artistic career.
Honorable Mentions… Paul McCartney for everything thus far, specifically Flaming Pie… Queen… Andrew Lloyd Weber for his latest treatment of Phantom… Blues Traveler’s Four… Counting Crow’s August and Everything After and Recovering the Satellites.
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