To gratuitously steal an image from my friend
This is the image of a man that got out of life-changing surgery three hours prior:
Many things kill me about this picture, as I have known Geoff for a LONG time. He has freckles, which were hidden by his previously blue complexion. His hands were warm. Before, getting punched by him was like getting punched by The Iceman. Before, his breathing was so labored that his shoulders were frequently hunched and “up”. As you can see in the above picture, now this is much less the case.
I can’t express how happy I am that my friend is coming through this as well as he is. As Matt mentioned, he’s still not quite done with the scary part as rejection is still a concern. If anyone can will his body into getting along with the newcomers, its him. I can’t wait for him to get well and come back to us.
Geoff, you kick ass. Keep up the good work!
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