Today was just a giant package of Unfortunate Events. I did battle with my alarm clock and failed… I wasn’t late to work, but I also wasn’t as early as I would’ve liked. I get my shower, proceed to my car and it refuses to start.
The workday went slowly and was less effective than I would have liked… we still got some good work done but I think we were all hoping for just a little more out of Monday. It didn’t help that I was busy for part of the day continuing to do battle with my relocation company over stupid little details that I thought we had worked out. Nothing major there, luckily… just annoyances.
Found out that the car needs three sensors replaced (two of which would’ve been needed for the emissions requirements in CO anyway), the serpentine belt needed replaced, and the spark plugs and wires were all in need of replacing since they were original with the car. That, and I needed an oil change. Luckily, Tasha was able to not only talk them into a free oil change, but also delivering my car to the emissions facility for testing. All of this will cost me just over $1100. That one hurt in the wallet a little, however this car has needed almost no repairs in the 5+ years that I’ve had it, and it sure beats car payments.
As the work day wound to a close, my coworkers were kind enough to give me a lift home, but in all the excitement I forgot to inform Tasha that I didn’t need picked up and was therefore, as the ancients put it, “up Shit’s Creek” for awhile.
I came home and had some mild success hanging our new window treatments in the bedroom, which hopefully purchased me a very small paddle with which to row up said Creek. So I decided to curb my losses for the day and play some World of Warcraft tonight. Which, as a result, caused me to screw up my November blog posting goal. Dammit!
Tasha’s a saint for handling furniture delivery (new tv cabinet!), document management for relocation, car repairs, and my stupid behind today! I really, *really* hope that tomorrow is boring and mundane.
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