Today was the annual gasshuku!
Things started promptly around 11, the first class was basics. We did lunge punch, reverse punch, front kick (both front and rear leg), and we did some great partner drills. We took frequent breaks for water and Erbe’s magic Gatorade concoction, which was really good. The second session consisted of Heian kata.
The Heian kata take on a whole different feel when done in outdoor terrain. We did each Heian kata and Tekki Shodan facing different directions so we could experience the kata when going up and down hill. We rounded out this class with some drills that took aspects of Heian kata and did them “battle style” in sparring.
Another drill I got a lot out of was a sparring drill emulating the backfist strike/side kick combination in Heian Nidan, only we were told to try it using a back kick. I was across from Mount Erbe during this drill and I was having a pretty fair amount of success in this drill. The combination mirrors the body action that I’m used to from the reverse bunch side thrust kick combo that I’ve done for awhile, so it felt very natural.
The third class was taught by
Sensei Brewer gave out certificates to everyone that participated and a special Instructor Award for his black belts to thank us for helping out at the dojo so much this year. It was a very nice gift and a great gasshuku! We had our customary watermelon and group pictures, I got a jumping side thrust kick picture that looked pretty good on the small screen. Several of the other guys attempted some kicks too, I’m sure there were several great shots that should be making its way to the blogosphere very soon.
The gasshuku is always a great day to appreciate the fun and comaraderie that we enjoy in our club. We’re very lucky to have such great instructors in Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman, and we’re fortunate to have such a tight-knit dojo!
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