In my childlike glee, I installed Eclipse onto my laptop the first day that I got it. I haven’t really done much with it since then, until tonight. I am on a project at work exploring the different areas of AJAX and I need to get some demos together, and the Powers That Be will not afford me enough time during business hours to adequately explore these technologies.
Tonight, Eclipse, Tomcat 5.5, and the DWR toolkit collide! I’ve got Tomcat installed and running, and I’m dragging down the beast of a zip file that is the new version of Eclipse’s Web Tools. I have the required DWR jar file and soon it will be chop socky time!
Aside from this, I’ve been doing A LOT of coding around the office lately. I both love it and hate it at the same time, as my team lead seems to enjoy to pop in and interrupt me *just enough* to disrupt my thought processes but not enough to dissuade me from trying. That leads to some pretty interesting code. It’s not his fault… there’s been a lot going on lately but I wish I could just put up the PLEASE BOTHER ANOTHER COWORKER shield that would make people not call/email/drop by when I’m trying to code. I just need a Viking helmet to wear when I’m developing. That way nobody will mess with me.
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