I had almost forgotten about the meme that we came up with at lunch until
‘Til Death – A pretty solid new show from Brad Garrett. He’s pretty funny, and the Woodcock’s wife is relatively good looking.
American Dad – Great show, something to love about every episode. Seth MacFarlane is fantastic.
American Idol – Been hit and miss on the continuous viewership, but we usually tend to record quite a few and then get caught up all at once.
Beauty and the Geek – Great show… puts dorks on teams with hot girls and makes the learn how to interact socially. Makes dumb girls learn things. Good times.
Big Brother – One of my great weaknesses. I’m hopelessly addicted to this show, seen nearly every episode from every season.
Bones – One of Tasha’s shows… I like it, but I don’t love it. The character interactions seem a little too forced for me.
Criminal Minds – One of my favorites. Mandy Patinkin rocks!
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – One of Tasha’s… I like it when I sit down to watch it, but I’m not religious about it like some people.
Drawn Together – Filthy, filthy, yet hilarious show. Tasha and I often ask ourselves why we watch this show through the tears of laughter. It is that bad.
Family Guy – I’ve watched this show religiously since it was on the first time. We about wore out the DVDs in college, and the new episodes are great too.
Futurama – Tasha introduced me to this one, now I really enjoy it. They are doing new episodes of these in 2008 so I’m already prepared. 🙂
Happy Hour – Great show, cancelled before its prime unfortunately.
Heroes – One of the best shows on TV right now. I sit on the edge of my seat waiting for new ones, wholly satisfying TV.
House – Another one of Tasha’s, much like CSI… I enjoy watching it, but often don’t go out of my way to watch it every week. Hugh Laurie is excellent though.
How I Met Your Mother – A real hit-and-miss show. I like it a lot, the cast is pretty good together but the way they put their storylines together is tiresome.
King of the Hill – A real standby that we got addicted to in college, when it aired just before
The Simpsons – Tasha and I now regularly seek it out, mostly because Hank Hill is everyman.
Love Monkey – Again, another great show that was cancelled before it got off the ground.
MythBusters – A recent addition, I enjoy this show and like to watch the scientific process that they go through in order to bust and confirm myths.
Psych – Perhaps the only great series to come from the USA network. This was one of Tasha’s additions, but I enjoy it when I watch.
Robot Chicken – Seth Green is outstanding, this show is 15 minute glimpses of comedic nirvana.
South Park – Again, watched this one since college and its still going strong. Sometimes the things they do both shock and horrify, but I find myself always laughing at the end.
That ’70s Show – Great show, nuff said.
The O.C. – One that I will be sad to see go. This show got me addicted to all sorts of indie rock, and the characters were truly great. I take a lot of crap from my friends for liking this one, but I don’t regret it.
The Simpsons – An American classic. If you don’t have this one on your list to record, you may just be a terrorist.
Two and a Half Men – Great show, very consistently funny. Charlie Sheen is great, John Cryer is… John Cryer.
There ya have it!
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