I’m here, waiting for a callback from a coworker so I am going to take a few minutes out for a belated Tuesday workout recap…
It was a smallish crowd, and it was just Garls,
That’s exactly what happened… after a rip-roaring first class, I came out and we 5 minutes and 30 seconds of hovers, followed by the six-pack ab workout that the black belts have been doing. It was hard, but I’m happy to say that everyone tried their best and lived to tell the tale.
Oedewaldt took over for the second class, and we made it through all of the Sandan katas at a fast clip. It was a tough workout and I was tired by the time it was all said and done. I wished that we could’ve continued by sparring a little but by the time we were done I was out of energy anyway.
I woke up on Wednesday morning to no pain at all. I’m starting to feel stronger, but I am still running out of energy pretty quickly. It could be partially due to the amount of work I’ve been doing lately, but I think its partially caused by extra tension I’m carrying around in my techniques and stances. We’ll see how things shape up once I get through this jag of work that I’ve been going through lately… hopefully things will turn up.
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