We were warned. Thursday night
I was somewhat surprised how winded and tired I was at the end… I’ve done many more techniques in one session than that and not felt that bad. I think it was a combination of the humidity and the general lack of sleep that I’ve been putting myself under right now, because I was really feeling it. By Friday morning, my hips near where my thighs connect were just SCREAMING.
Also, I found that you can find out a lot about a person by watching how they approach training outdoors. Some walk tentatively, like they’ve never been barefoot outside, others wear shoes or sandals. I prefer barefoot, for the pure and simple reason that God made our skin with the uncanny ability to grow back when it is lightly damaged. We’re doing Him a disservice if we don’t utilize that feature. That, and there’s something satisfying about having feet so caked with dirt and grass that it clogs the drain after you take a shower. It makes you feel like you actually did something.
The second class was a further exploration of sen-no-sen, only this time I was paired up with
All in all, Thursday was a great workout. It was tiring, but you felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of it. I was a little sore on Friday morning, but nothing out of the ordinary.
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