Tonight, I have decided to steal the “Seven Strange or Weird” meme from my good buddy Debra over at Reflecting.
1. I too, have a birthmark!
It’s on my stomach, and its shaped vaguely like a tank from the Combat Atari Game. Unlike Debra, you don’t have to buy me dinner to see mine.
2. I have two conjoined toes.
On my right foot, they’re joined all the way up to the top. They don’t make me swim better. They don’t help me keep my balance better. They do, however, prevent toes from getting broken… it has saved me from broken toes at least twice to this point.
3. For a brief time in the 90’s, I was Big Bird.
While we were dating, my lovely wife asked me to help her out with the Friends of WTVP. I happened to be the only person in our circle of friends that would fit the Big Bird costume. I helped with several parades, library events, and other miscellanea before hanging up the beak when I went to college. It was a good time, nothing really ever makes you feel as cool as you do when little kids adore you just for being there.
4. Speaking of public television, I LOVE “Are You Being Served?”!
During that same period of time, I was extremely addicted to the British sitcom (also known as britcom) “Are You Being Served?” I am sure that my sister and I watched every episode at least 50 times. I was recently reminded how awesome that this show was when I saw the entire series in a DVD boxed set at Borders this weekend. It made me a little sad because John Inman died earlier this year, he was one of my favorite actors on the show.
5. I’ve mostly never been able to feel my own heels.
I was a very premature baby, and they gave me oxygen shots every hour for several months when I was in the hospital. I didn’t know it until many years later, but I spent most of my life not being able to feel my own heels. I was rather surprised to find that after several months of chiropractic treatment, I’ve regained some feeling in my heels but its mostly only the occasional tingling, or when I get a really deep bruise on them from karate that I can tell at all.
6. I never sleep.
Well, I do. But usually I am up until after 2 am, even when I have to be at work early. I find that the combination of karate, late dinners, chatting, blogging, darts, and web surfing usually leaves me pretty wound up. I suppose this is probably a carryover from my college night owl tendencies… I regularly would just stay up when things needed done. Most people don’t understand what a coding haze is, or why sleep doesn’t matter when you’re mid-thought. Savages.
7. I don’t like having my back to high traffic areas.
This is mostly an offshoot of paranoia and my karate training, but I hate having my back to a high traffic areas. This extends to my cubicle at work, restaurants, and other similar situations. I like seeing when people approach, and knowing what is going on behind me. I almost disemboweled a Pizza Hut employee when I had no other choice but to sit with my back to the drink station. Ask Tasha, her telling the story is fantastic.
Now, to tag my seven.
Letsee… even though most of these people will never do this, here we go:
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