Today we purchased our Christmas tree! It was very cold out there, and I got to look positively dopey in my trench coat, camouflage overalls, and an orange hunting hat. Not one of those regular orange ball caps, I’m talking about a Mary Tyler Moore circa 1978 bright orange floppy hat. It was hilarious… thank God there’s no pictures!
We got a tree pretty quickly, and ended up back at the little shack where you pay for your tree while we were waiting for my parents to get finished with theirs, and Bob Talbott (the owner) was talking to people in the booth. He ended up in a conversation with an old friend of his who worked for the tree farm when he was 16, and now he was 61. That makes Bob a pretty old dude, but he’s still out there providing quality trees at low, low prices.
After that, we dodged the freezing rain briefly to get some Christmas shopping done. We had dinner, and then decided that a nap was in order and now I’m waiting for my cousin to arrive. It is his birthday today, so we decided to celebrate it with some Mike’s Hard Lemonade and darts. Good times!
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