I decided after the fun that was NaBloPoMo last month, I would continue and see how many days I can continue this daily posting business. I have to say, after about one additional week it became extremely easy to carve out ten minutes in which to draft a new post.
I need to go back and clean up some tags, but those of you that actually visit my blog can see by the calendar view on the right hand side that I successfully completed posting something every day in December. I know that not too many of the blogging crew that are reading this wish to participate in such an endeavor, but I intend to continue this pattern for as long as I can.
I’m going to challenge those of you that are occasional bloggers to try it for even a week… and then after that just try and go one day at a time. Each post doesn’t have to be a novel, just a few blurbs about what is going on with you, or something that you’ve been thinking about today is plenty. If you are one of those people that feel the compulsion to produce every blog post down to the n-th detail, this will be an opportunity to exercise your “off the cuff” muscles. Don’t sweat it so much, give yourself a 15 minute time limit and crank something out each day… and this goes double for those of you that have an interesting hobby, like volunteering, photography, music, art, etc! It should be easy for any of you to nerd out for a few minutes daily!
I found that for myself, it is often a 15-20 minute jag approaching bedtime, or if I know I will be out in the evening (like tonight) I carve out a little niche right before I go to do my running in which to blog. It’s not oppressive, it doesn’t take all night to come up with an idea, and it has actually helped me focus on the good things in my life lately which is a much needed reminder of how good life is.
I’d actually tag a few people to have them go for a week, but I don’t have enough time to type out all those LJ user tags or URLs! Get to it, people!
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