Today is our fourth wedding anniversary, and I just wanted to take a little bit of the Internet up saying what a great, patient, and wonderful wife I’ve got!
It is very hard to believe that it has been four years already. I remember the feverish pace that we set by my starting my Real Job, us moving into a charming little rental house, and then getting married all within seven days of one another. It was a great, exciting time and I’m happy to report that things remain busy and feverish, although at a slightly more sane rate than it was then.
Tasha and I started a tradition to eat at a restaurant that is entirely new to us each year to celebrate our anniversary. For the first year, we were visiting New Orleans so every restaurant we ate at was new to us. Year #2 had us visit Ned Kelley’s Steakhouse, a place that we had just never eaten at prior. Last year we went to Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse, where I was introduced to their fantastic iron skillet cheese potatoes…. mmm….
This year we have a few options picked out, but we have until Friday to decide (there is a belt exam at the Pekin dojo tomorrow night, so we’re celebrating our anniversary on Friday).
Hopefully the next four year interval will be as great as the previous four year interval has been!
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