Today was the first day that Tasha and I car-pooled to work. To my mind, there are a lot of positive things about doing this:
- More time with Tasha – This is a huge plus. We actually had time to talk to each other in the morning and it was nice and relaxing.
- Less Gas == Less Money – This was the main driver to this decision. Gas is climbing, and while we can still afford it we thought it made sense to conserve since we work so closely to one another. As the title says, this is a money decision first, the planet benefits as a side-effect.
- At Work Early – I got into the office a full 45 minutes earlier than I normally do. This doesn’t mean that I get to leave early because Tasha doesn’t get off until 5 (most times in the past I fill in the extra half hour at home each night to finish up email), but I can sneak out for lunch with the guys or take a few breaks during the day and be just fine! Plus I get more done in the morning.
Also, I had enough time to pack up breakfast, I had some Total cereal. I don’t know if it was the extra vitamins or what, but it shot me straight awake at around 9 am and my energy has stayed up all day.
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