I was able to open today with my karate workout (to be blogged later), then I came home and got cleaned up for a cookout at my supervisor’s house. That was pretty fun, its always nice to get to know your coworkers outside of the rat races.
After arriving back at the house, I hooked my lawnmower battery up to the charger and went about some light yardwork while waiting for the battery to charge. I got somewhat impatient with the battery, trying it several times. The additional charge seems to make a bit of a difference, as it was at least trying to turn over. It still lacked enough of a charge to pick up and go, so I disconnected the battery and put it on a deep charge cycle where it remains as I write this.
I went to Menards to get some replacement light bulbs for the basement and some masking tape so I could paint the ceiling. It seems that the Zinsser’s cover coat that we got for the water-damaged parts covers very well. It was very hard to tell where the stains were as I was painting, I wonder if I am even going to need to even out the ceiling after it dries.
Meanwhile, Tasha was busy going through boxes of stuff from our college days. She took four boxes of garbage out, but there is still a long way to go. She made a great dent in things though!
Tomorrow we have Tasha’s company picnic at the Peoria Chiefs game, so we get a little break from all the housework!
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