I had a pretty productive day at the office today, went to lunch with Paul, Kara, and Sameera, and got all of my stuff wrapped up a bit early so I got to head home early. Tomorrow is stacked from top to bottom with meetings, I think I’ve got about an hour where I don’t have someplace to be. That has two results: the work day goes by quickly, and I am tired at the end of the day.
I might have some friends coming to visit tomorrow night, if not I’m going to karate. They were supposed to get hold of me tonight to make plans, so things are somewhat up in the air.
Aside from that I’ve been researching tube amplifiers for my guitar. I’m looking at a Fender Super Champ XD like Paul has, or a Vox Valvetronix for right now. I’m going to have to make my way to the guitar shop to try them both out and see which one I like better. It seems that personal preference is a big factor in buying guitar equipment. I asked four different people for amp recommendations and got four different answers. I’m going to go in and have a listen on my own to see which sound I like better and go forward from there.
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