Roll up, friends and family, and prepare to hear a tale. A tale of the WORST TELEVISION SHOW EVER, EVER. You see, in my ongoing quest to acquire more nerd credibility than my friends I am constantly looking for new directions to expand my already astonishing nerd resume’. Thanks to this cartoon over at XKCD, I quickly realized that I had not yet attempted to watch the oft-maligned Star Wars Holiday Special.
The Star Wars Holiday Special was created in 1978 amid the heady marketing juggernaut that was (and still is) the Star Wars franchise. To find out more about the specifics of the show, you can check out the Wikipedia article but allow me to outline my favorite moments. You get to meet Chewbacca’s family including his son Lumpawarrump, who is also known as *sigh* Lumpy and his aging, white, underbite laden father Attichitcuk, who is also known as Itchy. Yes. Itchy.
In their celebration of their hippy sounding Life Day (which I assume is like Christmas), the following travesties occur: Art Carney gives Itchy a device that he implies will provide Itchy “pleasure” (which succeeds in summoning images of a strange crystal haired black woman), Lumpy watches a strange parade of neon elves and later cartoons, and Bea Arthur sings along with the Cantina theme. Oh yeah, and Jefferson Starship shows up entirely (I assume) because they had “Starship” in their name.
I can’t go on reliving these terrors any longer, but if you must see this thing for yourself you can watch the first part below. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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